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Mahalla Malta Festival: Palazzo Żabbar


From the First Floor of the Palazzo we oversee a square with the social club and a soccer-clubhouse just across. Once the home of a noble family, the building served as a police-station in the 1950th and was set on fire during the anti-colonial uprisings in 1958.

The Germans and their Music: Krautrock


Krautrock is a genre of rock and electronic music that originated in Germany in the late 1960s, with a tendency towards improvisation on minimalistic arrangements. The term was popularized in the English-speaking press. Later, German media started to use it as a term for all German rock bands from the late 1960s and 1970s, while abroad the term specifically referred to more experimental artists who often used synthesizers and other electronic instruments.

Major Tom has left his Tin can

Look up here, I’m in heaven/ I’ve got scars, that can’t be seen
Lazarus from Blackstar (2016)

David Bowie’s last album crowned his work as an unpathetical pure piece of art and poetry. Hunted by death the singer, actor, performer, writer  produced seven tracks for his latest album Blackstar. They are full of cryptic lyrics hinting at the terminal nature of his condition.  Bowie used the haunting lyrics of his swansong album as a parting gift to say goodbye  following a secret 18-month battle with cancer.

25 Years: Fall of the Wall

Silvester 1989 am Brandenburger Tor

In the early evening of November 9th, 1989 around 7:00 p. m. the central comitee secretary Günter Schabowksi mentioned incidentally at the end of a press conference that there is a policy decision about a new regulation of traveling for DDR-citizen.

Sadism and devotion – Females on Jihad

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  • IS-Propaganda Pic. A member of the al-Khanssaa brigade. They have the freedon to tantalise other women.
  • Hundreds of women join the IS as wifes and female mujaheddin
  • Selfie of members of the al-Khanssaa brigade
  • Refugees on the border to Turkey flee
  • A woman believed to be a British medical student who left the UK in order to join ISIS has posted an image on social media of herself holding a severed head. On Twitter she is Mujahidah Bint Usama and claims to be a doctor for the terror group based in Raqqa, Syria.
  • Women on the streets of Raqqa pass a billboard ordering women to dress like this
  • Sally Jones was part of a rock band in the 1990th, today she is part of the al Khanassa brigade. On Twitter she claimes, she wants to behead Christians with a blunt knive
  • Sally Jones husband: British computer hacker-turned jihadi Junaid Hussain pictured online posing with a scarf over his face and a rifle in his hands. He's one of the suspects for the murder of James Foley.
  • On Twitter Sally Jone calls herself Umm Hussain Al Britani
  • A key figure in the al-Khanssaa brigade, according to researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow who fled to Syria in November 2013
  • On Twitter Aqşa Mahmood is Umm Layth
  • Guess who hates infidels

They are devoted wifes and cruel Sadists at the same time. The al-Khanssaa brigade is a female-only militia set up by the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria. It is an all-female group of jihadists who are charged with punishing ‘un-Islamic’ behaviour by women in Raqqa.

Soma – no men’s underground

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  • 10330479_10203644467616887_1491919210641210254_nThe governmnt

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  • 14.05.14 A shortcut occured in the coal mine of Soma, the mine is burning, some hundred miners are 2000 meters under earth with no security to safe them
  • Soma Graveyard 15.05.14, more then 300 workers are found dead
  • The government declares three days of mourning
  • People blame the government due to Ex economy minister Mehmet Çaplayan spending 250.000 Dollar for a watch
  • The opposition is rallying
  • Solidarity from Italy
  • Union Square NYC
  • 14.05.14 İstiklal Cad. İstanbul
  • 14.05.14 İstiklal Cad. İstanbul
  • İf yoy want to get to know a country, find out, how people are dying there. Albert Camus
  • And you should know the working conditions. Changing room in Soma for the coal miners.
  • Vivat Çapuling!

More then 300 workers are found dead until now, the youngest victim is 15 years old.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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