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EKBER was here


Today in the morning a hacker broke into Istanbul public transportation monitors’ systems, replacing the usual route information with the message EKBER was here.-

Poisoned Century

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  • "A Poison Tree" is a poem written by William Blake, published in 1794.
  • This tiny blue ringed octopus is about the size of a golf ball. His Venom can cause blindness, nausea, paralysis and respiratory failure, as well as death.
  • The poison the dart frog’s glands contain is called batrachotoxin. This toxin blocks nerve signals to muscles, causing paralysis and death.
  • The Hooded Pitohui causes irritations an numbness if you just touch the feathers. Eating them without precautions isn't a good idea, it's the last supper.

Poison is a metaphor for immortal love in Rome and Juliet and for perfidious murder and betrayal in Hamlet- Prince of Denmark.

Cities: blinding Stars & camouflaged Scars

  • Teheran_Panorama
  • pjoengjang-nordkorea-werbung-tourismus
  • Kinshasa, le qurtier des affaires.
  • Erbil

  • Mostar
  • An evening view of City Star Hall in Kabul, a $5 million complex where large wedding receptions are held for as many as 1,000 guests.

  • Teheran
  • Pjönjang
  • Kinshasa Boulvard of 30th of June
  • Erbil in Northern Iraq
  • Mostar after the war
  • An evening view of City Star Hall in Kabul, a $5 million complex where large wedding receptions are held for as many as 1,000 guests

The shiny surface of Cities got an icon of representing any spot of the globalized world in the superficial esthetics of advertisements and Public relations campaigns. Not only smiling dictators on TV or on banners in public spaces, also the skylines of their Capitals got a visual for the spreading of a glamorous appearance. Scars of war and natural catastrophies are camouflaged with a glossy surface of a prosperous commercial future in the light of construction booms and gentrefication.

With Love From China

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While it’s no news that factories in Yiwu produce 60 percent of the world’s Christmas decorations, the Jinping family, working in one of the factories, have no idea what the bubble stars and stockings will be used for. Nor does the elder Jinping know about the culture of Christmas.

One Minute Amman

night clip


During Israeli soldiers have shot and killed two Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip, less than 24 hours after six people were shot dead while protesting along the border with Israel we spend 6 days in Amman, Jordan, for a conference about Culture and Humanitarian Relief organized by the Goethe-Institut Amman.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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  • InEnArt
    Molla Çelebi Çesme Çikmazi 1/3
    34427 Istanbul/Turkey
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