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Soma – no men’s underground

Written by Sabine Küper on . Posted in Footprints, Urban Chant

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  • 10330479_10203644467616887_1491919210641210254_nThe governmnt

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  • NYUnionSquare

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  • SoyunmaodaSoma

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  • 14.05.14 A shortcut occured in the coal mine of Soma, the mine is burning, some hundred miners are 2000 meters under earth with no security to safe them
  • Soma Graveyard 15.05.14, more then 300 workers are found dead
  • The government declares three days of mourning
  • People blame the government due to Ex economy minister Mehmet Çaplayan spending 250.000 Dollar for a watch
  • The opposition is rallying
  • Solidarity from Italy
  • Union Square NYC
  • 14.05.14 İstiklal Cad. İstanbul
  • 14.05.14 İstiklal Cad. İstanbul
  • İf yoy want to get to know a country, find out, how people are dying there. Albert Camus
  • And you should know the working conditions. Changing room in Soma for the coal miners.
  • Vivat Çapuling!

More then 300 workers are found dead until now, the youngest victim is 15 years old.

People in Turkey are mourning and protesting side by side. In one mural on a wall someone is asking. Is it worth it to have a watch costing the lifes of 700 workers? It’s a comment on the governments careless politics on poor men’s security.  Primeminister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan caused riots in Soma with a speech reminding other death cases in mines worldwide and pointing out “such things happen”. A couple of weeks ago it was found out, that former economy minister Mehmet Çaglayan owns a watch, that costs 250000 Dollars. That are approxametly 700.000 TL. Probably all the men underground could have been saved, if the governmenmt would have spent money in the value of a watch for the security system.

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