Sadism and devotion – Females on Jihad
They are devoted wifes and cruel Sadists at the same time. The al-Khanssaa brigade is a female-only militia set up by the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria. It is an all-female group of jihadists who are charged with punishing ‘un-Islamic’ behaviour by women in Raqqa.
The members of the brigade controll the dress code on the streets and are allowed to take women into custody. They are feared for their lack of pity and their cruelty. They glorify violence and approve and control the slavery of other women.
The name likely derives from Al-Khansa, a famous 7th-century female poet and contemporary of the Prophet Muhammad who converted to Islam and wrote elegies for his brothers, father and children after they were killed in battle.
According to the British “Mirror” members of the brigade, which is thought to be led by British extremists, were reported to be acting as madams running brothels filled with captured Ezidi women. This is illuastrating that violence against women can’t be limited neither to a “male pattern” nor the “culture of the Middle East”.
As many as 3,000 women and girls have been taken captive from the Ezidi tribe in Iraq as IS- militants continue their reign of terror across the region.
Academics at King’s College London have identified three other British females as members of the group – and say there are about 60 UK women who have gone to Syria on jihad. Most of these women are aged between 18 and 24, with al-Khanssaa said to be seeking out people engaging in Western culture in Raqqa.
What can we conclude out of this realities slowly reaching the surface of our perception? The disclosure of unbearable human rights abuses should not wait for more violence to happen. Allthough of the cryout of the Ezidi population and their leaders nothing is done until know to free the women abducted by the IS.
Childabuse, rape and slavery. What an unbearable picture so close to Europe. With Turkey as an ally defending, that the IS isn’t worst then the PKK. That comparision can’t be the criteria for the international community to act. A UN-protection Zone, like it existed until 2003 , is the only way to prevent crimes of war and to protect the dignity of humanity.
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Tags: al Khanssa brigade, Females on Jihad, Iraq, is, Syria
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