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Süper Kalori/ Super Calorie

Written by Sabine Küper on . Posted in Explore, Subversives, Urban Chant


“Süper Kalori” is a Cartoon-serial Armenian-Turkish artist Sarkis Paçacı is drawing for Agos, a weekly published in Turkish, Armenian and English.

Highly controversial topics are presented in a reduced satirical style with a topping of cynicism. The majority of Turkey’s population is outraged about the discussion of child marriages induced by controversial publications of the Office for Religious affairs.

The whole area is destabilized by involvements of different countries in the Syrian crisis with an absurd explosion of weapon trading beyond any international interests or ideological obligations.

The reopening of an iron church of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Istanbul is one of the events where politicians are shaking hands for the public to demonstrate a peace they are not representing in reality.

  • Agos Gazetesi, Şubat 2018
  • Weekly Agos Newspaper
  • Wochenzeitung Agos

Since the media in Turkey is widely either under total control of the government or under lot’s of pressure the most fine criticism can be found in the Cartoon scene in these days.

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