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Posts Tagged ‘capulcu’

Gezi Park, Istanbul July 18th

‘I did an interview in Gezi Park July 18, the park’s hand slipped into a bunch of sticks and chased people. ” That they do not interfere with how the police soon share the images. ” Heroes” are often encountered in recent days that the public does not seem to stop. Please be careful.’


by Wetrobots

Wetrobots + Bosaina is an electro clash band out of Cairo, Egypt, which is fresh and exciting in this really hard to describe way, so we won’t try.

Saturday at the Center of Istanbul

Clashes with the police covered by NarPhotos Collective on Saturday July 13

Turkish police intervenes Istiklal Street firing water cannon and tear gas at hundreds of protesters when they gather to march to Taksim Square and Gezi Park after the press statement of TMMOB (The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects). People gathered in Galatasaray to protest against a recently imposed law which blocked the authority of The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects from its final approval authority on urban planning projects.

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  • Serra Akcan/Nar Photos
  • A blind man tries to pass the street during the police attack. Tolga Sezgin/Nar Photos
  • Eren Aytuğ/Nar Photos
  • Eren Aytuğ/Nar Photos
  • A waste collector on Istiklal Street during the police attack. Saner Şen/Nar Photos
  • Tolga Sezgin/Nar Photos
  • Serra Akcan/Nar Photos

Learn more about NarPhotos at InEnArt

The Ottoman Slap

Conservative intellectuals in Turkey published a condemn on the governments policy against the protesters in Turkey. They formed the Labor and Justice Platform. A quotation of their statement:

“We did not forget, how the media was mixing up the whole country with false reports on muslims in Turkey. Today the conservative and the centre mdia are doing the same to others. Parts of the population are terrorized for the sake of the others. What did change then from yesterday until today?”


Istanbul on Gas

  • Derviş

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  • Graffiti in Gezi Parkı
  • Unknows streetartist

Istanbulites are rebelling in a never seen, peaceful unity of many groups out o different backgrounds. While media likes to focuse on riots and violence, the quality of this revolt is it’s Creativity. Istanbul is gassed massively, the youngsters from Beşiktaş lived nightmarish nights and had a big part in saving the Taksim Square and Gezi Park area from the police. The celebrations on Taksim Square wouldn’t be possible without the riots in Dolmabahçe and Beşiktaş.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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