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Posts Tagged ‘Rio de Janeiro’

Mermaid sounds from Rio de Janeiro

Plastic sound for mermaids from Yollarda on Vimeo.

Plastic Sound For Mermaids

The ocean was dreaming of a mermaid

With a comb of pearl combing her hair

Singing of immortal love

A big, blue fish

Sat on the shore

Chanting a lore

About the endurance

Of plastic bottles

In the deep blue of the sea

And in the white sand of the dunes

Motives in the Video:;

Created from discarded plastic bottles, these giant fish make a powerful environmental

statement as they emerge from the sands of Botafogo beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This year, the city of Rio is hosting the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, also

called Rio+20, and these giant fish were created to mark the occasion. Hundreds of
plastic bottles sparkle in the sun and, at night, the sculptures are illuminated with

colorful blue and red LED lights that twinkle against the backdrop of the beach as a
monumental reminder to recycle.

The three fish represent the importance of recycling and the risks that plastic bottles

have on our natural environment, specifically on animals that live in the sea.

According to the event website, between 60 and 80 percent of debris in the sea is from

plastic products. The sculpture encourages people to rethink how they approach recycling

and to protect our natural resources.


Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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