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They cut…. my bearing


I cut. You cut. He/She cuts. We cut. You cut. They cut. –

Finding your Bearing?  Preview of our new section about counter culture and the secret history about subversive tendencies in art in the 20th century invented by Asger Jorn and Guy Debord (1957)

deniz bilgin / ressam / painter

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  • İstanbul, 2004, Yayınlayan/Publisher Karşı Sanat Çalışmaları
  • Kış/Winter, 1998
  • detay/detail
  • tütün/tobacco, 1997
  • isimsiz/untitled, 1989
  • isimsiz/untitled , 1991
  • isimsiz/untitled , 1991
  • detay/detail
  • desenler/drawings
  • isimsiz/untitled, kitap kapağı/book cover

“Deniz Bilgin’in işleri, bir resim geleneği ile açık ya da örtük herhangi bir hesaplaşmaya girmediğinden, sanat üretimiyle ilgili belirgin bir tutum, hatta niyet ortaya koymadığından, neredeyse hiç bir kavramsal bilgi yükü taşımadığından, kısacası ‘anlamlandırılmayı umursamaz’ tavrından dolayı, özellikle ve öncelikle profesyonel izleyiciye zor gelen işler oldu hep.

Because Deniz Bilgin’s work refused to grapple, neither directly or indirectly, with any painting tradition; because it did not propose any definite attitude or even intention vis-a-vis the production of art; because it carried almost no conceptual luggage; in short, because it displayed ‘ an indifference toward signification’, it was always difficult to come to terms, especially and primarily for professional viewers with.”

Necmi Zeka, Bir Tuhaf… Kind of Odd…

Finding your Bearing

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Dedicated to the Tophane Art Walk on Sunday April 7 in Istanbul… with drawings by Berkay Buğdanoğlu seen at Mixer!

Hidden Cities

Discover the Hidden Cities explored by Moses Gates. Urban explorer Moses Gates recounts 10 years of urban adventuring in Hidden Cities: Travels to the Secret Corners of the World’s Great Metropolises. The memoir follows Gates’ journey into urban exploration, from his start in the subways of New York City to his expeditions in the catacombs of Paris and beyond. The book is available on Amazon.

Gates is a new breed of adventurer for the 21st century. He thrives on the thrill of seeing what others do not see, let alone even know exists. It all began quite innocuously. After moving to New York City and pursuing graduate studies in Urban Planning, he began unearthing hidden facets of the city—abandoned structures, disused subway stops, incredible rooftop views that belonged to cordoned-off buildings. At first it was about satiating a nagging curiosity; yet the more he experienced and saw, the more his thirst for adventure grew, eventually leading him abroad. In this memoir of his experiences, Gates details his travels through underground canals, sewers, subways, and crypts, in metropolises spanning four continents.

Moses Gates

The “Russian Banksy” Is Dead

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  • Oversized glasses with one arm made from a lamppost, the rest drawn in snow.
  • A rioter with a flare on an overpass. At night, flames were lit on the piece.
  • Riot police on subway doors.Production: Constructing the sign
  • At a Moscow bus stop.

He died last night. Known as Pasha 183, he was only 28 years old. Let’s look at some of his amazing Moscow street art.

From BuzzFeed

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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