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Mahalla Malta Share House



The self-reflective Sunglasses are made for the puzzled passenger in our poststructural, post factual times.  They help him to look inside himself, to hold on for a moment. Museum Fortress Builders in Malta is hosting artistic positions around a globalized world-economy in the Conceptual Mahalla Share House.     

Tim Pool in Baltimore

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to on the ground journalist Tim Pool at the Baltimore uprising to get a full perspective on the entire situation. In this video we lay out the arguments occurring on both sides of the issue and how the media is making the situation worse.

Nothing New in “New Turkey’s” architecture

mimarsinan2Construction is the key factor in Turkey’s booming economy: currently the government has more than half a trillion dollars’ worth of planned, ongoing or recently completed building projects across the country. Oppulent projects that strive back to the glory and splendour of the Ottoman Empire. Erdoğan’s immense “White Palace” with more than 1000 rooms, İstanbul’s third airport that aims at becoming world’s largest, the digging of a whole “new Bosporus” making an island out of İstanbul and the construction of the biggest mosque in the history of the republic. All of these projects are highly contested regarding environmental and social impacts.

Anonymous vows to avenge Charlie Hebdo shootings


Anonymous, the online hacktivist collective, has vowed to shut down terrorist websites and social media accounts promoting terrorism to avenge the brutal murder of Charlie Hebdo journalists. The group intends to render the jihadist websites inaccessible through the denial of service (DDoS) attack.


… a critical examination of urban transformation in Istanbul and Berlin

land grabbing147

We need your Help!

Under The title StreetWalking InEnArt is deveolping a new platform and videoarchive dedicated urban transformation and the changing of living conditions.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

Contact us

  • InEnArt
    Molla Çelebi Çesme Çikmazi 1/3
    34427 Istanbul/Turkey
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