An exhibition at Salt Istanbul and traces of an intervention by a counter-action taking place in March – adding graffiti’s to the empty spaces on the walls within the show.
The exhibition displays a plethora of documentary material presenting along with restaged elements from specific exhibitions that took place in the past in Turkey, especially the 1. Mayıs Sergisi [First May Exhibition] organized by Görsel Sanatçılar Derneği – GSD [Visual Artists Association]. The project will revisit issues of artists’ rights, involvement and collaborations with workers unions, and the function and positioning of art in public space.
A group of young Turkish artists prepared an intervention on March 15 2013 leaving signs on the walls as a gesture of ‘turnabout’ by an act to “turning expressions of the capitalist system and its media culture against itself”.
Decide yourself… between the paradox of an intervention using the spectacle itself, of displaying unspectacular works of art concerning artists rights and art in public space within the frame of a museum and a video connecting these elements in a well known way of daily motions…
SALT Beyoğlu – Istanbul
JANUARY 31 – APRIL 21, 2013