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Anne, ben berber miyim?

Written by Anja Pross on . Posted in My Invisible Eye


The title of the upcoming Istanbul Biennial 2013 Anne, ben barbar miyim? (Mom, am I Barbarian?).

The owner of a hairstylist in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, modified the title of the 13th Istanbul Biennial ‘Anne, ben barbar miyim?’ (‘Mom, am I Barbarian?’) to decorate his hairdresser shop ‘Hair Mafia’ to ‘Anne, ben berber miyim?’ (‘Mom, am I a Hairdresser?’) as an advertisment for a new hair style.


Photo by Ahmet Senkart

Watch also a video by Eda Gecikmez showing the public reaction during a conference of the Istanbul Biennial with the title ‘Public Address’.


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