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Dancing With Wolves (Chapter I.) The King of the Birds

Written by Sense of Time on . Posted in Full Moon, The Passenger

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“Dancing With Wolves” is a Multimedia Narration going to be published in stages on Sense of Time. Artist: Sincab

You can read comfortably, if you click and hold the buttons below the pages.

Wolves, the King of the Birds, Amazons and Truth searchers are the main characters in the first chapter “Valley of passion”.  Wolves are characters in mythological narrations of different cultures. The King of the Birds is as well. The Truth searchers and the Amazons are going to combat on their way through seven valleys. The Wolf is their companion on his way searching for guidance.

The pictures chosen for the story are mainly made of real Video-footage Sincab shot in the Southeast of Turkey and in Northern Iraq in 2002 and 2014. They filmed them with dv and HDV-material. Stills of this footage got transformed with different digital Graphic Software, drawings and other items were added to create a Graphic Novel aesthetic.

Wolves are creatures exposed to different stages of projection by their most evil antagonists, the humans. A pride of wolves appears as a metaphor for a human reality that has nothing to do with the nature of these animals.

A wolf in this narration, we won’t give him a name or a certain characterization, is leaving his pride. He departs for a journey to an unknown destination.

A certain cosmic emergence is pattering the space. The fading of a star leads to a formation engrossed by the real planets it might concern. The wolves are patterned by certain expectations, but they represent the innocent stage of nature exposed to a force, they can’t influence.

The King of the Birds appears as an ancient symbol of a kind of wisdom and negation as well. He is giving hints, but he never is outspoken.

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A wolf has departed from his pride to go on a journey. The King of the Birds has send him on a trip across seven valleys.

He reaches an ancient castle on a hill overlooking a beautiful landscape. It is the Castle of the Amazons. Some Truth searchers are appearing as a threatening force. They are preparing for a combat. Who ist their enemy, what truth are they searching for?  The Wolf and a single Amazon exploring the surrounding of the castle discover the existence of the battalion of the Truth searchers.

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The wolf is exploring the first valley on his long journey. He discovers the Amazons living in an ancient castle. The Truth searchers, an unknown entity of  aggressors are preparing for combat vey close to them. A single Amazon from the explorer team sees their training. Something awesome is going on. The wolf gets a glimpse of how his journey will continue: the battle just began.

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Artist: Sincab

“I am a graphic novelist living in Turkey. In my stories furry heroes and their companions are fighting the evil in a world massed up by human nature.”

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