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Roza & Rüzgar

Written by Sense of Time on . Posted in Explore, Feed the Sense, Subversives, The Passenger

Roza&Rüzgar is a graphic novel about a phantastic Journey connecting Europe and the Middle East. Two furry Heroes are fighting evil powers.In the first Chapter Humanrights activist Roza is travelling from Cologne to Erbil due to the refugee crisis. She is visiting a camp and is searching for someone specific. A mysterious woman is tranferring her with a magic potion to Raqqa in the shape of an Angora Cat.

Cat Roza is meeting tomcat Rüzgar at her arrival but she is captured by the brigade of the sisters without mercy. At their headquarters she is closed to a hamam, the tantalization centers of the female brigade as Roza is learning from other captured cats.

Meanwhile Rüzgar also reaches the headquarters and enters the building. He meets an old friend, the cook Chan. He is spying for a secret liberation strike on the dark forces holding Raqqa under siege.

The graphic novel is created by using parts of Video and Photography Footage artist Sema Sincap produced in the Middle East. Fiction and reality are fused in a unique style. A mixture of graphic processing and handwork creates a profound black satire on current political conflicts in the region in black and white. The content is corresponding in a sophisticated way with the layout of the graphics.

Phantasy, current politics, the stereotypes of “the East” and “the West” about each other and the anarchist and brave characteristics of the furry heroes are woven in a  fascinating story about friendship, courage, Treason uncovering startling realities like an a new global social phenomena called the pathos of cruelty. “When comitting abomination is regarded as an act of bravery civilization is at its lowest point.” (Roza & Rüzgar).

(Ongoing graphic novel project) Read the first chapters here:

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