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Posts Tagged ‘gentrification’

Pizzeria Anarchia

A huge police operation to evict squatters from a house in Vienna’s 2nd district lasted for more than ten hours on Monday.

Pizzeria Anarchia has been cleared by the police in Vienna Monday July 28. TheGründerzeithaus’ in Vienna Mühlfeldgasse will now be restored and converted into money. After ten hours the police succeeded on Monday evening to 19 squatters who had holed up on the third floor to penetrate. The 13 young men and six women were arrested for resisting and assault. A further twelve people who sympathized with the squatters apparently, also fell into police custody.

Urban Icons in Ayvansaray

  • Belediye
  • Fahnentor2013-03-19 12.30
  • ColaTurca
  • Graffitti3
  • Graffitti5
  • Graffitti_Gesicht1
  • fussschgatten
  • Graffitti2
  • İt is dangarous and forbidden to enter the construction area
  • Urban Camouflage I.
  • Urban Camouflage II.
  • Guerilla Alaadin
  • Boncuk Bomb
  • Dumbo the oddeyed Elephant
  • one fooded Photographer
  • Ayvansaray Billboard

Ayvansaray is one of the areas being rapidly gentrified at the moment. The inhabitants of the quarter have different ways to deal with the fact, that they most probably will have to leave their houses and working spaces to wealthier people. A certain kind of urban dialogue emerges from the different icons being used in the quarter.

Exhibition on Tarlabaşı- Only one Day

A group of artists did a one day exhibition in the district Tarlabaşı in Istanbul on the 3ed of June 2012, Eski Çeşme Sok. 13.

The place is nearly abandoned due to gentrefication. Lots of houses are going to be teared down. Some are already expensively renovated.

It’s a huge speculation field for investors right now. The artworks explore this rapid changes. The loss of the ones that had to leave….who were they….what did they live? Lots of Kurdish families fleed from military activities in the Sourheast to this area. Beside refugees, Roma, Transsexuals used to live there.

Theatre play featuring life on Tarlabaşı


Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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  • InEnArt
    Molla Çelebi Çesme Çikmazi 1/3
    34427 Istanbul/Turkey
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