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Posts Tagged ‘painting’

Anish Kapoor: the wizard of forms

The first solo show of British artist Anish Kapoor in Turkey opens on September, 10th 2013, in the Sakıp Sabancı Museum in Istanbul. Some of his works will be also presented at the Akbank Sanat gallery on Istiklal Street, Istanbul. British Curator Norman Rosenthal, who also curated Kapoors current exhibition in the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, will be present with the artist at the opening.

Another Reality

thecrowninga‘Another Reality’ presents images of a changing world. In ‘The Crowning’ (2011) we see how a young woman puts on a safety helmet. It is a powerful metaphor for the contemporary fragility of life. With a remarkable impact, it accentuates the continuous presence of the past, contained within all of us.

deniz bilgin / ressam / painter

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  • İstanbul, 2004, Yayınlayan/Publisher Karşı Sanat Çalışmaları
  • Kış/Winter, 1998
  • detay/detail
  • tütün/tobacco, 1997
  • isimsiz/untitled, 1989
  • isimsiz/untitled , 1991
  • isimsiz/untitled , 1991
  • detay/detail
  • desenler/drawings
  • isimsiz/untitled, kitap kapağı/book cover

“Deniz Bilgin’in işleri, bir resim geleneği ile açık ya da örtük herhangi bir hesaplaşmaya girmediğinden, sanat üretimiyle ilgili belirgin bir tutum, hatta niyet ortaya koymadığından, neredeyse hiç bir kavramsal bilgi yükü taşımadığından, kısacası ‘anlamlandırılmayı umursamaz’ tavrından dolayı, özellikle ve öncelikle profesyonel izleyiciye zor gelen işler oldu hep.

Because Deniz Bilgin’s work refused to grapple, neither directly or indirectly, with any painting tradition; because it did not propose any definite attitude or even intention vis-a-vis the production of art; because it carried almost no conceptual luggage; in short, because it displayed ‘ an indifference toward signification’, it was always difficult to come to terms, especially and primarily for professional viewers with.”

Necmi Zeka, Bir Tuhaf… Kind of Odd…

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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