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Posts Tagged ‘sense of time’

Reflections on the Future

Seeing the future as a project: The Long Now Foundation aims at developping a new way of thinking about our time and future. Opposing the current cultural mainstream that depicts our future’s environment as devastated and non-livable and the people as lonely and ruled by technology, the Foundation offers a more optimistic suggestions for seeing the time that will come. Basically it is the suggestion to start thinking about it at all – not in terms of short periods as modern democracies’ elections are structured but in really long runs.

Dancing with Wolves 4

  • Sayfa_10

  • Sayfa_11

  • Sayfa_12

The wolf is exploring the first valley on his long journey. He discovers the Amazons living in an ancient castle. The Truth searchers, an unknown entity of  aggressors are preparing for combat vey close to them. A single Amazon from the explorer team sees their training. Something awesome is going on. The wolf gets a glimpse of how his journey will continue: the battle just began.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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