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Posts Tagged ‘urban construction’

Exhibition on Tarlabaşı- Only one Day

A group of artists did a one day exhibition in the district Tarlabaşı in Istanbul on the 3ed of June 2012, Eski Çeşme Sok. 13.

The place is nearly abandoned due to gentrefication. Lots of houses are going to be teared down. Some are already expensively renovated.

It’s a huge speculation field for investors right now. The artworks explore this rapid changes. The loss of the ones that had to leave….who were they….what did they live? Lots of Kurdish families fleed from military activities in the Sourheast to this area. Beside refugees, Roma, Transsexuals used to live there.

Theatre play featuring life on Tarlabaşı


Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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