The Ottoman Slap
Conservative intellectuals in Turkey published a condemn on the governments policy against the protesters in Turkey. They formed the Labor and Justice Platform. A quotation of their statement:
“We did not forget, how the media was mixing up the whole country with false reports on muslims in Turkey. Today the conservative and the centre mdia are doing the same to others. Parts of the population are terrorized for the sake of the others. What did change then from yesterday until today?”
They blame the AKP for using the same false language then the Kemalists and hold them responsible for the violence. They criticize their ignorant urbanisation projects and their uncontrolled use of Police forse. The biggest chance for the Turkish democatization process is, that the moderate reflectionary part of the ideological different sides realize, that they are not enemies. Being on different opinions doesn’t need to part anyone. A society is strong by it’s ability do integrate dissenting opinions and world views, not by supression. Disinformation is part of the Propaganda tools of dictatorships.
How does this work:
1. Find aggressors, the best ones are people far away you can blame for anything you like, cause noone can verify. One clever channel shows statements of a Russian fashist as the drivibng force opf the Gezi Park protests.
2. Komplo theories are best working in isolated societies with no access to free media or other contacts outside of their locals. So misinformation is based on the creation of agendas, that are overestimating the global importance of the country and constructs its exploitation by others. So serbian Otpor, Soros foundation, and all the other foreign powers are presented here as the financer of Gezi Park protests. I am sure most of the protesters have never heard of some of the organisations behind them.
Some of the most hilarious statements regarding the protests came from the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications on the 27th of June. Binali Yıldırım warned that authorities which do not cooperate with the government over cyber crimes will receive an “Ottoman slap” in response. Probably he meant Facebook and Twitter not allowing Turkish government to violate personal data of their customers.
“The Turkish Republic doesn’t recognize those who don’t recognize it,” Yıldırım said. “79 million [people] will hit them with an ‘Ottoman slap.’”
The minister gave his message during a speech at a media conference, following the negative response of social media websites with regard to sharing data about posts made during the recent Gezi Park protests. It is most probable that he got some hard Ottoman slaps in his childhood. The question is, who made this man minister?
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Tags: capulcu, Gezi Park protests, Istanbul, Turkey
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