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Posts Tagged ‘Iraq’

Traces of Looting and Destruction


  • Photo/Khalid Mohammed
  • Photo/Reuters

The antiquities museum in the Iraqi city of Mosul is in ruins, with exhibition halls housing piles of rubble and the basement filled with ankle-deep drifts of ash.

Dancing with Wolves 4

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The wolf is exploring the first valley on his long journey. He discovers the Amazons living in an ancient castle. The Truth searchers, an unknown entity of  aggressors are preparing for combat vey close to them. A single Amazon from the explorer team sees their training. Something awesome is going on. The wolf gets a glimpse of how his journey will continue: the battle just began.

Sadism and devotion – Females on Jihad

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  • womeninRaqqa

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  • IS-Propaganda Pic. A member of the al-Khanssaa brigade. They have the freedon to tantalise other women.
  • Hundreds of women join the IS as wifes and female mujaheddin
  • Selfie of members of the al-Khanssaa brigade
  • Refugees on the border to Turkey flee
  • A woman believed to be a British medical student who left the UK in order to join ISIS has posted an image on social media of herself holding a severed head. On Twitter she is Mujahidah Bint Usama and claims to be a doctor for the terror group based in Raqqa, Syria.
  • Women on the streets of Raqqa pass a billboard ordering women to dress like this
  • Sally Jones was part of a rock band in the 1990th, today she is part of the al Khanassa brigade. On Twitter she claimes, she wants to behead Christians with a blunt knive
  • Sally Jones husband: British computer hacker-turned jihadi Junaid Hussain pictured online posing with a scarf over his face and a rifle in his hands. He's one of the suspects for the murder of James Foley.
  • On Twitter Sally Jone calls herself Umm Hussain Al Britani
  • A key figure in the al-Khanssaa brigade, according to researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow who fled to Syria in November 2013
  • On Twitter Aqşa Mahmood is Umm Layth
  • Guess who hates infidels

They are devoted wifes and cruel Sadists at the same time. The al-Khanssaa brigade is a female-only militia set up by the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria. It is an all-female group of jihadists who are charged with punishing ‘un-Islamic’ behaviour by women in Raqqa.

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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