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Posts Tagged ‘RAF’

Interior Design as a Contemporary Art Medium

What is the connection between art and design and personal set up of the environment.

26.05. – 07/15/2012
Rezan Has Müzesi, Kadir Has Cad., Cibali, Istanbul
Opening times: daily from 09:00-18:00 clock

Organized by the Goethe Institute Istanbul in cooperation with IFA

‘SET’ by Andree Korpys/Markus Löffler. The image shows a part-reconstruction of a conspirative flat of the Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF, Red Army Faction), based on photographs by the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA, Federal Office of Criminal Investigation), it is part of the  exhibition “Come-in. Interior Design as a Contemporary Art Medium in Germany” taking place at Kadir Has University.

The exhibition “Come-in. Interior Design as a Contemporary Art Medium in Germany” investigates the connection between fine art and applied design in twenty-five artistic positions by means of individual objects, sculptures, installations, videos and – in the exhibition catalogue – inserts.
At first glance, the mobilia, objects and interiors appear to possess an “obvious” identity as “furniture”, “luminaries” or “interiors”. At second glance, however, they are too uncomfortable, colourful and eccentric, all too clearly geared to our perception or a situational communicative event. They represent ideas, projects, scenic reinterpretations of situations conditioned by certain furnishing and architectural elements. The interior spaces chosen by many of the contributing artists form links between aspects of contemporary history and their own biography and critical aesthetics.

Every institution that takes part in this touring exhibition is invited to choose and exhibit additional works from its own country for the duration of the show there. These should represent one artistic position dealing with the theme of the exhibition.

The image shows a part-reconstruction of a conspirative flat of the Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF, Red Army Faction), based on photographs by the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA, Federal Office of Criminal Investigation)

Gerhard Richter: RAF

RAFRichter’s works about the German autumn 1977 reached the audience in 1988. He pictured the dark room of democracy in Germany. The death of the imprisioned founders of the Red Army Fraction (RAF). It’s a good sign, that the works are exhibited now in the old National Gallery in Berlin, the shrine of German romanticism and the romantic transfigured nationalism.

Gerhard Richter was born to Horst and Hildegard Richter in Dresden on February 9, 1932. He grew up in GDR and moved to the BRD in 1961.

Gerhard Richter was one of the first German artists to reflect on the history of National Socialism, creating paintings of family members who had been members, as well as victims of, the Nazi party. Continuing his historical interest, he produced the 15-part work October 18 1977 1988, a sequence of black and white paintings based on images of the Baader Meinhof group. Richter has continued to respond to significant moments in history throughout his career; the final room of the exhibition includes September 2005, a painting of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York in 2001.

Check out the documentary Children of the Revolution by Shane O’Sullivan at InEnArt

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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