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Posts Tagged ‘Sabine Küper-Büsch’

Mahalla Malta Festival: Palazzo Żabbar


From the First Floor of the Palazzo we oversee a square with the social club and a soccer-clubhouse just across. Once the home of a noble family, the building served as a police-station in the 1950th and was set on fire during the anti-colonial uprisings in 1958.

Cartoonists breaking Stereotypes


  • Poster-Motive: Zeynep Özatalay
  • Hayati Boyaçıoğlu, Selam
  • Carivatura: Martin Sonntag, Armin Noll, Eva Tenzler
  • Tuncay Akgün, Kemal Aratan, Harem
  • Animation Film Serial "Tortor" by Tan Cemal Genç
  • Leyla Akgün, Selçuk Erdem
  • Ramize Erer
  • Tan Cemal Genç
  • İlhan Sayın, Tan Cemal Genç, Kurşun geçirmez Karikatürcü, Resistant against bullets Cartoonist
  • Selçuk Erdem, Serkan Altuniğne, Ramize Erer, Leyla Akgün, Tan Cemal Genç
  • Ramize Erer, Leyla Akgün, Tan Cemal Genç, Serkan Altuniğne, Selçuk Erdem

People in Germany and in Turkey share the doubt about the sense of humor regarding each other. The Cooperation between Caricatura in Kassel and Diyalog Derneği in İstanbul  aims to prove these views wrong. 

Sense of Time

Sense of Time is the first interactive module of the Cultural Internet Platform InEnArt.

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  • InEnArt
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