Now it’s our turn to bring tears to your eyes
Today (Sunday June 2) the website of Condor – Brazilian producer of tear gas amunition used by the police in Turkey against peaceful demonstrators – got hacked by X-BLACKERZ Inc. & Anonymous Turkey.
Today (Sunday June 2) the website of Condor – Brazilian producer of tear gas amunition used by the police in Turkey against peaceful demonstrators – got hacked by X-BLACKERZ Inc. & Anonymous Turkey.
The occupation just began. Gezi Park seems to get the nucleus for the disagreements on the new symbolism of the Inner city. Taksim square was planned in the spirit of the modernism of the 1930ths with it’s emphasize of public places for recreation in the cities.
The Turkish Feminist Cartoon magazine “Bayan Yanı” appeared on the 8th of March 2010 for the first time. Feburary 2013 the 18th issue appeared. The Video is made from stills shot from a Photo story they made.
The Terror of Reality is a term, that was developed by a group of artists in Turkey calling
thenselves “Periferi”. Periferi feels a closeness to the Situationists International, a
leftist avantgard art movement of the 1960th. Environment, urbanism, social rsistance
and the active fight against a capitalist “psychogram” of society were some of their main